April, 2017

  • Mittwoch, 19. April – Steckbrief handout, saying sorry, word order, various professions, giving the date of your birthday in German, describing an amusing or funny person
  • Freitag, 21. April – Conjugating verbs for plural versus singular subjects, some points of expression and word order, more professions
  • Montag, 24. April – Chapter 4 in text: “Wer bist du?” = Who are you? –> asking questions, difference between familiar address questions and formal address questions, some repair strategies (phrases to help you keep speaking German, even when you’re confused!)
  • Mittwoch, 26. April – Praising someone in German, links to Tiny Cards sets by our teachers made through Duolingo, One Mistake Per Line Quiz, feedback on the Steckbrief task, using the word “gern”
  • Freitag, 27. April – Asking and answering questions about name, origin, where you live, etc; using the “w” question words in German, revision of stating the date of your birthday
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