Podcast 🎧

Hosted on Podbean: German Island

Page updated in October 2022


I wish to thank all those who have kindly recorded the texts below: Carolina Seez, Christina Seez, Maxi Gürlich, Jana Kühn, Nathaniel Smith, Laura Bühler, Hannah Entrup, Diana Bösel, Cheryl Blessing and Charlotte Yates.

Note: The six episodes that Carolina Seez and I created to support students going on an exchange to Germany can be found on this page: School Exchange: Audio Texts .

— Roslyn Green

Episodes: Related Pages, Quizzes and Downloads

Written by Carolina Seez and recorded by Charlotte Yates

Carolina describes her adventurous and sometimes hair-raising holiday in the north of Australia. The podcast episode is recounted in the first person.

Worksheet: Ein Urlaub in Australien The worksheet is similar to the podcast episode, but is written in the third person. It is divided into two parts: the first provides vocabulary exercises; the second offers practice with supplying the correct auxiliary verb in the perfect tense.

Audio Quiz created at LearningApps: Ein Urlaub in Australien

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Charlotte Yates

Sara möchte eine Ratte als Haustier

Sara wants a pet rat. Some children just don’t give up when they have an idea. And why should they?

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Charlotte Yates

Ein Brief an den Weihnachtsmann

Sienna writes a letter to the German equivalent of Santa Claus with a mixture of hope for the world and consumer cravings for herself.

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Charlotte Yates

Die Adventszeit

A teenager and his little brother celebrate Christmas and New Year in Germany.

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Charlotte Yates

Das erste Jahr der Pandemie | The First Year of the Pandemic

The final year at school is always stressful and challenging. This student had to deal with the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020 as well.

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Carolina Seez

Bens Katze | Ben’s Cat

Audio Quiz: Bens Katze

Ben’s cat is friendly. Sometimes almost too friendly.

Adapted and simplified from Ping Pong 1; recorded by Carolina Seez

Tim und Tom sind Zwillinge | Tim and Tom are Twins

Tim and Tom look so alike that it should be easy to trick their teachers. Shouldn’t it?

Audio Quiz: Tim und Tom sind Zwillinge

Worksheet: Tim und Tom sind Zwillinge

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Carolina Seez

Mia findet einen Freund | Mia Makes a Friend

Ben is sad and lonely, but then he meets Mia.

Audio Quiz: Mia findet einen Freund

Written and recorded by Diana Bösel and Cheryl Blessing

Tag eins: Zwei Mädchen | Day One: Two Girls

First day at high school. Anxiety, then joy.

Recorded by Carolina Seez

Ich heiße Hannah | I am called Hannah

Hannah describes herself, her family, her pet and her favourite subjects.

Audio Quiz: Ich heiße Hannah

Written and recorded by Diana Bösel and Cheryl Blessing

Sich vorstellen | Introduce Yourself

Just getting to know you.

Vocabulary quiz based on this text

Co-written by Jana Kühn and Roslyn Green, recorded by Jana Kühn

Doktor Tierlieb

Doktor Tierlieb is an animal lover who has a menagerie of colourful friends.

Related Site Page: Animal Quizzes

Worksheet on the Doktor Tierlieb text

Written by Jana Kühn und Charlotte Yates, recorded by Charlotte Yates

Meine Familie: Unsere Hobbys und Sprachen | My Family: Our Hobbies and Languages

Charlotte has grown up bilingual in Melbourne. Speaking in her first language, she describes her diverse family connections and her interests.

Audio Quiz: Charlottes Familie, Hobbys und Interessen | Charlotte’s Family, Hobbies and Interests

Written by Jainam, Kimberley and Chao; recorded by Carolina Seez

Three Students and Their Hobbies

Jainam, Kimberley and Chao describe their interests and hobbies. These three delightful students were in Year 7 in 2014. Carolina Seez, our young German assistant teacher at the time, checked their texts and recorded them with their permission for others. Thank you, Jainam, Kimberley and Chao.

Audio Quiz: Kimberleys Hobbys | Kimberley’s Hobbies

Related Site Page: A Unit of Work on Hobbies and Leisure

Written by Alice, Rachel and Seungho; recorded by Carolina Seez

Three Students and Their Hobbies 2

Alice, Rachel and Seungho describe their interests and pastimes in these short texts. As Year 7 students in 2014, they quickly learned to express themselves in their new language. Carolina Seez, our young German assistant teacher at the time, checked their texts and recorded them with their permission for others to hear. Thank you, Alice, Rachel and Seungho.

Related Site Page: A Unit of Work on Hobbies and Leisure

Recorded by Carolina Seez

Mein Zimmer | My Room

A teenager describes her room, which is also her refuge.

Quick Quiz: Mein Zimmer → Match 16 pictures of objects in a bedroom with their German names.

Worksheet: Mein Zimmer → Vocabulary explanations and exercises based on the text

A spontaneous presentation by Laura Bühler

Mein Zimmer in Deutschland | My Room in Germany

Laura describes her small room in a student hostel in Germany to a class of year seven students in Melbourne.

Audio Quiz: Lauras Zimmer in Deutschland

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Carolina Seez

Eine vergessliche Schülerin | A Forgetful Student

Mia would rather read than have to pay attention to everyday issues. Her Maths teacher has other ideas.

Audio Quiz

Written and recorded by Diana Bösel and Cheryl Blessing

Erzähl mir von deiner Familie | Tell me about your family

Two young women meet and describe their families.

Corresponding site page with related activities

Vocabulary quiz based on this text

Audio quiz based on this text

Written by Jana Kühn and Charlotte, recorded by Charlotte

Deutsches Essen ist lecker | German Food is Delicious

Charlotte has a German mother so she gets to try German food in Melbourne – and she finds it delicious. Mostly.

Audio Quiz: Deutsches Essen ist lecker  

PDF file with text and activities

Related Blog Pages: Deutsches Essen ist lecker | Deutsches Essen A-Z

Written by Jana Kühn, recorded by Jana Kühn and Nathaniel Smith

Eine Deutsche in Melbourne | A German Woman in Melbourne

Frau Kühn asks for details as a Melbourne tourist and encounters a helpful guide who speaks German.

Written by Jana Kühn, recorded by Jana Kühn and Nathaniel Smith

Ich brauche Ferien!

Two young people discuss their weekends, their school workload, and their plans for a holiday break.

Audio Quiz: Ich brauche Ferien!

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Charlotte

Vier Verben | Four Verbs: werden, möchten, müssen und können

Anna’s plans for the future require planning, dreaming, learning and work obligations. Describing Anna’s future therefore requires modal verbs.

Corresponding unit of work on this blog

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Carolina Seez

Mein Alltag: Ein typischer Tag

Everyday life can be a real grind—especially when you’re a high school student. 

Audio Quiz: Mein Alltag: Ein typischer Tag

Related Site Page: Alltag

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Carolina Seez

Gestern war wirklich ein anstrengender Tag

The previous account of a difficult day, but this time in the perfect tense

Audio Quiz: Gestern war wirklich ein anstrengender Tag This quiz provides practice with typing in the conjugated auxiliary verb (haben or sein) and the past participle.

Related Site Page: Alltag

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Carolina Seez

Auf Klassenfahrt | Off on a School Trip

Year 9 students visit the Australian wilderness, where they wear out their teachers with long hikes, grill marshmallows around the campfire, watch presentations from firefighters and forest rangers, and tackle the high ropes course.

Audio Quiz: Auf Klassenfahrt | Off on a School Trip

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Carolina Seez

Am Wochenende mache ich gern nichts | On the weekends I like to do nothing

The teenager’s mother wants him to achieve something. But he is totally unfazed by all that aspirational stuff.

Audio Quiz: Am Wochenende mache ich gern nichts

Related Site Page: Alltag

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Maxi Gürlich

Viele Liebesgeschichten | Many Love Stories

Love is complicated. But we all agree, wonderful.

Related unit of work: Familienleben

Audio quiz

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Christina and Carolina Seez

Meine Mutter ist mir peinlich | My mother is embarrassing

Is there any teenage girl who doesn’t find her mother embarrassing?

Audio quiz based on this text

Download: Worksheet with difficult exercises

Download: Worksheet with easier exercises

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Hannah Entrup

Elternsprechtage sind grauenhaft | Parent-teacher days are ghastly

A boy suffers through the first parent-teacher interview— and realises with horror there are nine more to go.

Written by Roslyn Green, recorded by Carolina Seez

Fast alles in meinem Leben geht schief | Nearly everything in my life is going badly

Luka can list his problems one by one. Fixing them is harder.

Related Site Page: Alltag

Written and recorded by Jana Kühn

Besuch aus der Zukunft | Visit from the Future

After a typical day of reckless energy consumption, a teenager has a strange and disturbing dream.

Related Blog Pages: Besuch aus der Zukunft | Umwelt A-Z

Worksheet with Vocabulary Exercises and Writing Activities

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Laura Bühler

Horrortag | Horror Day

Oskar has a miserable day, yet he somehow retains his sense of humour.

PDF of text with exercises and vocabulary explanations

Written by Roslyn Green and recorded by Carolina Seez

Neue Fans für australischen Fußball | New Fans for Australian Football

Two young Germans go to a game of Australian football. They discover the rules of the game and the passion of its supporters. Inspired by their observations, they even develop a new, football-based definition of “Schadenfreude”.

PDF file with vocabulary explanations

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