Einheit: Weihnachten 🎄

Published by Roslyn Green in November 2022

Unit: Christmas

Bildlexikon: Weihnachten

  • das Geschenk → present, gift
  • die Bescherung → the present-opening
    • Wann ist bei euch Bescherung? → When do you open your Christmas presents?

  • der Weihnachtsbaum → Christmas tree
  • den Weihnachtsbaum schmücken → to decorate the Christmas tree

  • die Weihnachtskugel oder die Kugel → bauble
    • Wir haben den Weihnachtsbaum mit Kugeln geschmückt. → We’ve decorated the Christmas tree with baubles.

  • der Nikolaustag
    • Am Nikolaustag stellen die Kinder ihre Schuhe vor die Tür. → On St Nicholas’ Day, the children put their shoes in front of their house door.

Useful Links

Online Activities

Match the Pin and Label Puzzle

The pins are based on the gender of the noun: blue for masculine nouns; red for feminine nouns; green for neuter nouns. Click on the ⓘ symbol on each label to hear the noun pronounced. For English translations of each expression, click on the lightbulb .

Kahoot: Weihnachten

This Kahoot is based on the vocabulary on pages 2-4 of the unit booklet. The quiz is entirely in German, but most of the questions are quite simple.

Quizizz: Mein Wunschzettel paper version on right

This quiz focuses on the correct accusative endings after sentence starts such as:

  • Zu Weihnachten wünsche ich mir…
  • Ich hätte gern…

A Word and Picture Quiz

This quiz provides many pictures to help you recall the Christmas-based vocabulary. It has some more challenging questions towards the end but there are several ⓘ symbols with translations.

Download PDF of Completed Quiz

Worksheet in PDF form: Weihnachten

This handout is based on a very simplified version of Annik Rubens’ excellent description of Christmas in Germany, which is embedded on the left.

You can read the full text of this podcast episode here .

This game is best printed on an A3 piece of paper for each group of 2-3 students.

This is a set of more detailed instructions for students who can handle a range of sentences and are fairly independent.

A Christmas Board Game

Students can play this game with dice and buttons. Wherever they land, they must try to make up a sentence using the infinitive expression on that square.

Another option could be for the first student to ask a question based on that square’s expression. The second student could answer the question.

Umwelt: Besuch aus der Zukunft 🔮

Visit from the Future

Posted by Roslyn Green and Jana Kühn in October 2022

Besuch aus der Zukunft

This is a story by Jana Kühn about an imaginary teenager whose everyday life involves careless energy consumption.

Could this be you? Click here to listen to the audio and read the transcript at the same time or click on the link in the podcast episode embedded below.

Image by Petra from Pixabay

Besuch aus der Zukunft | Visit from the Future

After a typical day of reckless energy consumption, a teenager has a strange and disturbing dream.

Related Blog Pages:

Umwelt A-Z | Umweltschutz: Verben A-Z

These pages offer more vocabulary about the environment as well as extra quizzes to practise the new wording.

Fragen zum Hörtext | Questions About the Audio Text

  • Warum ist das Kind im Traum böse?
  • Welche Umweltprobleme produzieren die Erzählerin und ihre Familie?
  • Wie kann die Erzählerin diese Umweltprobleme vermeiden? Schreibe Sätze mit Modalverben.
  • (Diese Seite über Modalverben kann dir helfen.)

Audio Quiz on LearnClick: Besuch aus der Zukunft

At the end of a long day filled with poor environmental choices, a teenager dreams that a future grandchild reproaches her.

The worksheet below is a paper version of this quiz.

Audio Quiz on LearningApps: Besuch aus der Zukunft

This quiz is a slightly different task. It provides extra practice with the vocabulary, which is quite challenging.

Worksheet: Besuch aus der Zukunft

This worksheet is based on the audio and text titled Besuch aus der Zukunft, written by Jana Kühn. It provides guided questions for working through the vocabulary in the text, in particular vocabulary relating to environmental choices and separable verbs.

At the end, there is a simple task providing support with developing sentences containing müssen.

The audio quiz above is an online version of this worksheet.