A Sixth German Starter Unit

Mein Haus, mein Zimmer 🖤❤️💛 ⇢ My House, My Room 🛏️ 🛋️

Published by Roslyn Green in March 2023

This unit was originally developed for accelerated students and would therefore serve ideally as extension material. A detailed downloadable booklet for students is provided. There is also a range of online quizzes:

  • Two audio quizzes with quite challenging texts to work through
  • Some “pin and label” quizzes to simplify vocabulary learning
  • Two useful quizzes for learning and mastering the prepositions for describing location.

Masculine NounsFeminine NounsNeuter NounsPlural NounsPrepositions

Bildlexikon 1: Mein Zimmer | My Room

  • das Bett → bed
    • Ich mache jeden Tag das Bett. → I make the bed every day.
  • das Zimmer → room | das Schlafzimmer → bedroom
    • Ich habe mein eigenes Zimmer. Ich muss es nicht teilen. → I have my own room. I don’t have to share.

  • der Schreibtisch → desk | der Stuhl → chair
    • Ein Stuhl steht vor dem Schreibtisch → A chair is (standing) in front of the desk.
    • Manchmal lerne ich auf dem Bett, weil das bequemer ist. → Sometimes I study on the bed, because it’s more comfortable.
  • vor → in front of | auf → on
  • stehen – to stand often used to refer to the position of objects

  • der Nachttisch → bedside table | die Vase – vase
    • Der Nachttisch steht neben dem Bett. → The bedside table is beside the bed.
    • Eine Vase steht auf dem Nachttisch. → A vase is on the bedside table.
  • neben → beside, next to

  • die Lampe → lamp | die Kommode → chest of drawers
    • Eine Lampe steht auf der Kommode. → A lamp is on the chest of drawers.

Bildlexikon 2: Prepositions

  • The dative case is required after prepositions denoting position:
    • masculine: der → dem
    • feminine: die → der
    • neuter: das → dem
    • plural: die → den

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

  • die Tasse→ cup | die Untertasse – saucer
  • der Tisch → table
  • die Frau → woman
  • das Handy → mobile phone
  • das TabletiPad, tablet
    • Die junge Frau sitzt an dem Tisch (oder am Tisch). The young woman is sitting at the table.
    • Sie hat ein Handy in der Hand. She has a mobile in her hand.
    • Die Tasse, die Untertasse und das Tablet sind auf dem Tisch. The cup, saucer and tablet are on the table.

Image by Watercolor Artist from Pixabay

  • das Regal → shelf
  • die Couch → couch
    • Das Regal ist über der Couch. → The shelf is over/above the couch.
    • Die Couch steht unter dem Regal. → The couch is under the shelf.

Image by Luda Kot from Pixabay

  • die Kinder children
  • die Katze cat
    • Die Katze ist zwischen den Kindern. The cat is between the children.

[Note the addition of the dative -n ending to the plural noun: Kindern]

Image by Watercolor Artist from Pixabay

  • das Kinderbett cot or crib
  • der Stuhl chair
    • Der Stuhl steht neben dem Kinderbett. The chair is beside the cot.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

  • die Couch couch
  • der Couchtisch coffee table
  • das Fensterbrett windowsill
    • Der Couchtisch steht vor der Couch. The coffee table is in front of the couch.
    • Die Katze sitzt hinter der Couch auf dem Fensterbrett.

Online Activities

Quizizz: German Prepositions

This introductory quiz checks and reinforces learners’ memory of the meaning of prepositions. There are also questions and photos that prompt learners to choose the correct preposition from four options.

Learners can play the “preview” or “flashcard” version of the game without creating an account.

Quiz: Describing Positions with Prepositions

In this quiz about the key prepositions for describing the position of people and objects, learners can select the correct preposition to match a range of pictures containing people, furniture and teddy bears.

Quiz: Über Katzen und Präpositionen | About Cats and Prepositions

This quiz also has deer, dogs and a man doing magical things with a soccer ball in it. To describe each scene correctly, choose the right preposition.

Quizizz: Bei mir zu Hause: Eine Wortliste

Learners encounter 20 nouns for inside the house and the surroundings.

A Pin and Label Matching Quiz: Mein Zimmer | My Room

Sixteen colour-coded nouns for the bedroom: masculinefeminineneuter. Learners can click on the💡on the top left of the quiz to read through the vocabulary list.

A Pin and Label Matching Quiz: Mein Haus | My House

Twenty-four colour-coded nouns for the whole house: masculinefeminineneuter. Learners can click on the💡on the top left of the quiz to read through the vocabulary list.

A spontaneous presentation by Laura Bühler

Mein Zimmer in Deutschland | My Room in Germany → Audio and Quiz

Laura describes her small room in a student hostel in Germany to a class of year seven students in Melbourne.

Audio Quiz with Full Text: Lauras Zimmer in Deutschland

Recorded by Carolina Seez

Mein Zimmer | My Room → Audio and Quick Quiz

A teenager describes her room, which is also her refuge. Click on the picture to see the full text.

Quick Quiz: Mein Zimmer → Match 16 pictures of objects in a bedroom with their German names.

Worksheet: Mein Zimmer → Vocabulary explanations and exercises based on the text

Alltag 🌤️🌛

Everyday Life 🌄🌆

Published by Roslyn Green in March 2023

The chores, frenetic activity and relaxed moments of everyday life can be summed up with a range of infinitive expressions. Each one can then be turned into sentences in the present, future or perfect tense.

Below is a list of essential expressions for getting through the day in German, followed by three quizzes, including an audio quiz about a typical challenging day.

  • der Alltag – daily life
    • Manchmal möchte ich einfach dem Alltag entfliehen. → Sometimes I just want to escape from everyday reality.
  • das Alltagsleben – day-to-day life
  • der Tagesablauf – daily routine


Infinitive Verbs and Expressions to Describe Everyday Life

  • aufwachen → to wake up (perfect: sein)
  • früh aufstehen → to get up early (perfect: sein)
  • ausschlafen → to sleep in
  • aus dem Bett springen → jump out of bed (perfect: sein)

  • das Bett machen → to make the bed
  • die alten Bettlaken ausziehen → to take off the used sheets
  • das Bett frisch beziehen → to put clean sheets on the bed

  • (einen) Tee / Kaffee kochen oder machen → to make tea
  • Tee mit einem Teebeutel zubereiten → to make tea with a tea bag

  • frühstücken → to have breakfast
  • ausgiebig frühstücken → to have a substantial breakfast
  • etwas zum Frühstück essen → to eat something for breakfast

  • zur Schule gehen → to go to school
  • in den Unterricht gehen → to go to class
  • zur Arbeit gehen → to go to work
  • an einem Projekt arbeiten → to work on a project

  • sich fit halten → to keep oneself fit
  • fit bleiben → stay fit
  • ins Fitnessstudio gehen → to go to the gym

  • einkaufen gehen → to go shopping
  • zum / in den Supermarkt gehen → to go to the supermarket

  • mit dem Hund spazieren gehen → to take the dog for a walk
  • Gassi gehen / mit dem Hund Gassi gehen → (colloquial: to take the dog for a walk)

  • im Garten arbeiten → to work in the garden
  • Samen in ein Gartenbeet pflanzen → to plant seeds in a garden bed
  • den Rasen mähen → to mow the lawn

  • sich mit Freunden treffen → to meet with friends
  • auf einen Kaffee gehen | einen Kaffee trinken gehen → to go out for a coffee

  • ein Zimmer abstauben, aufräumen, staubsaugen – to dust, tidy, vacuum a room
  • den Müll rausbringen, hinunterbringen → to take out the rubbish
  • die Wäsche waschen, aufhängen → do the laundry, hang out the washing

  • Videospiele spielen → to play video games
  • im Internet surfen → to surf on the internet
  • mit dem Handy spielen → play with/on your mobile
  • auf TikTok/YouTube gehen → to go on TikTok/YouTube

  • ins Bett gehen → to go to bed
  • vor dem Schlafengehen lesen → to read before going to sleep

Turning Infinitive Expressions into Four Types of Sentences

Here are four sentence patterns, each based on an expression above. Try the second quiz below to practise each of these constructions in order.

  • Present: Jede Woche bringt er den Müll raus.
  • Future: Morgen werde ich früh aus dem Bett springen, ehrlich!
  • Modal Verb: Möchtet ihr auf einen Kaffee gehen?
  • Perfect: Ich habe die ganze Nacht Videospiele gespielt.

Online Activities

Quiz: Four Sentence Patterns for Talking About Everyday Life

Paper Version of Quiz: Worksheet – Alltag: Four Types of Sentences This worksheet also suggests a brief extension activity.

Audio Quiz: Mein Alltag: Ein typischer Tag

Podcast Episode: