Mittwoch, 26. April

> Mittwoch, 26. April

Introducing the Perfect Tense…

I have done my homework.
I have read the book.
I have danced.
I have sung the song.
have = auxiliary in English
haben = also the auxiliary verb in German
sung, read, danced and done = all past participles

German Word Order

I have my homework done
I have the book read.
I have danced.
I have the song sung.
Ich habe meine Hausaufgaben gemacht.
•machen – to make or do
•formula: ge + verb stem + t
Was hast du gestern gemacht? – What did you do yesterday?
Ich habe Frühstück gekocht. – I cooked breakfast.
kochen → gekocht
sehen is an irregular past participle — gesehen
Ich habe meine Freunde gesehen. → I saw my friends.
aus/schlafen – separable verb
schlafen → past participle is irregular: geschlafen 
With separable verbs, the ge goes between the two parts of the verb in the past participle.
→ Ich habe ausgeschlafen. – I slept in.
fern/sehen → past participle: ferngesehen
→ Ich habe ferngesehen. – I watched TV.
The OTHER auxiliaryhaben is the first; sein (to be) is the other:

Conjugation of sein (to be):

Write it on your souls in fiery letters:

sein – to be | irregular verb in present | auxiliary verb in perfect tense
  ich bin   wir sind
  du bist   ihr seid
  er/sie/es/man ist   sie sind 
formal address: Sie sind

• gehen – to go – one of the verbs that forms its perfect tense with the auxiliary sein
• past participle: gegangen (irregular)
• Ich bin zu einem Fußballspiel gegangen. – I went to a football game.

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