Wir gehen einkaufen 🍅 🍞 🥫

Published by Roslyn Green in February 2023

Going Shopping for Groceries in German

Shoppers need to know the names for food packaging (e.g., bottle, tub, jar) and measures (e.g., kilogram, gram) as well as the vocabulary for the food itself. Here is a summary of packaging and measures with pictures and example sentences. For an A-Z list of foods in German, please visit this page.

Alternatively, jump straight in and work through the quizzes below.

Online Quizzes and Activities

Match the Pin and Label Quiz: Lebensmittel einkaufen | Buying Groceries 🔵 🔴 🟢

  • The pin for each noun is colour-coded: 🔵 for masculine nouns, 🔴 for feminine, and 🟢 for neuter.
  • The sentence on each label refers to a food noun or food container in the accusative case: 🔵 einen | 🔴 eine | 🟢 ein.

Quiz: Essential Wording for Grocery Shopping

This quiz is based on Deutsch mit Inap‘s video on the left. The video is embedded in the quiz and you can watch it as you work through the questions.

Quiz: Practising the Accusative Rules – Grocery Shopping

Revise the accusative rules for the indefinite article (einen, eine, ein) as well as the vocabulary for shopping.

Multiple Choice Quiz: Einkaufen: Fragen und Antworten | Going Shopping: Questions and Answers

In this LearningApps Quiz, there are several snippets of conversation related to real pictures from grocery shopping. Click on the lightbulb 💡 (top left of quiz screen) for a list of all vocabulary. Inap‘s videos below will also help you to consolidate the wording in this quiz.

A Fill-the-Gap Quiz: Ein Dialog beim Einkaufen | A Shopping Dialogue

In this quiz, learners can revise wording for food and consolidate the vocabulary needed for a shopping dialogue in German.

Bildlexikon: Containers and Measures

Noun Key: masculinefeminineneuterplural

der Becher – tub, small carton

Oma möchte einen Becher Joghurt. ⇢ Grandma would like a tub of yoghurt.

das Bündel – bunch

Vergiss nicht, ein Bündel Radieschen zu kaufen. ⇢ Don’t forget to buy a bunch of radishes.

die Dose – can

💬 Möchtest du eine Dose Cola? 💬 Ja, bitte.💬 Would you like a can of coke? 💬 Yes, please.

die Flasche – bottle

Wir müssen eine Flasche Olivenöl kaufen. ⇢ We must buy a bottle of olive oil.

das Glas – glass, jar

💬 Sie wünschen bitte? 💬 Ich nehme ein Glas Erdbeermarmelade. 💬 What would you like? 💬 I’ll take / have a jar of strawberry jam.

das Gramm (-) – gram

💬 Noch etwas? 💬 Ich möchte auch zweihundert Gramm Erdbeeren.💬 Anything else? 💬 I’d also like to get 200 grams of strawberries.

das Kilogramm, das Kilo (-) – kilogram

Ich hätte gern fünf Kilo Kartoffeln, bitte. ⇢ I’d like 5 kilos of potatoes, please.

der Liter – litre

Wir brauchen einen Liter Milch. ⇢ We need a litre of milk.

die Schale – punnet, shallow container

💬 Was darf es sein? 💬 Eine Schale Himbeeren, bitte.💬 What would you like? 💬 A punnet of raspberries, please.

die Scheibe (n) – slice

💬 Sie wünschen? 💬 Ich hätte gern fünf Scheiben Schinken, bitte.💬 What would you like? 💬 I’d like 5 slices of ham, please.

das Stück – piece

💬 Sonst noch etwas? 💬 Ich nehme auch ein Stück Käse, bitte.💬 Anything else? 💬 I’ll take / have a piece of cheese, please.

die Tüte – small paper or plastic bag

💬 Kannst du mir eine Tüte Chips kaufen? 💬 Ja, gerne.💬 Can you buy me a bag of chips? 💬 Sure.

Recommended Videos

The videos embedded below come from the Deutsch mit Inap YouTube channel. Inap is a German teacher in Nepal.

Lebensmittel | Groceries

Lebensmittel einkaufen | Grocery Shopping (see related quiz above)

Dialoge beim Einkaufen | Shopping Dialogues

Das Wetter A-Z ⛈️

German Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives for Describing the Weather 🌦️

Published by Roslyn Green in November 2022

Bildlexikon: Das Wetter

Masculine NounsFeminine NounsNeuter NounsPlural Nouns Verbs Adjectives

Die Abkühlung naht. – The cool change is coming.

abkühlen – to cool down

Nach den hohen Temperaturen in den letzten drei Tagen kühlt es heute endlich ab. – After the high temperatures in the last three days, it will finally cool down today.

der Blitz – lightning

Image by PayPal.me/FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

Nach dem Blitz hört man den Donner. – After the lightning you hear the thunder.

der Bodennebel – ground fog, low-lying fog

Image by Aart Beijeman from Pixabay

Auf diesem Bild stehen die Kühe mitten im Bodennebel. – In this picture, the cows are standing in the middle of low-lying fog.

die Brise – breeze

eine leichte, frische oder steife Brise – a light, fresh or strong breeze

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

Eine leichte Brise weht vom Meer her. – A light breeze is blowing from the sea.

der Donner – thunder

Der Donner rollt oder kracht. – The thunder rolls or cracks.

Image by Elias Sch. from Pixabay

Bei einem Gewitter gibt es immer Blitz und Donner. – In a storm, there’s always lightning and thunder.

der Eisregen – freezing rain that causes icy roads and slippery paths

Image by blabla5 from Pixabay

Bei Eisregen bildet sich eine Eisschicht auf den Straßen und Wegen. – During freezing rain, a layer of ice forms on the roads and paths.

der Frost – frost

frostig – frosty

Image by Perez Vöcking from Pixabay

Es ist ein frostiger Tag. Die Temperatur liegt unter dem Gefrierpunkt. – It’s a frosty day. The temperature is below zero. (US: below freezing point)

frieren – to freeze, feel extremely cold

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

  • Ich friere an den Händen. – My hands are freezing.
  • Ich friere. / Mich friert es. – I’m freezing.
  • Es friert. – It’s freezing.

das Gewitter – (thunder)storm

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

– Heute gibt es bestimmt ein Gewitter. – Oh nein, der Donner wird dem armen Hund Angst machen. – There’s bound to be a thunderstorm today. – Oh no, the thunder will frighten the poor dog.

der Grad – degree

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

  • Es sind 39 Grad. – The temperature is 39 degrees.
  • Bei 12 Grad brauchst du mindestens einen Pulli, vielleicht auch eine Jacke. – With a temperature of 12 degrees, you need at least a jumper, maybe a jacket as well.

der Hagel – hail

hageln – to hail

Image by Hilde Stockmann from Pixabay

Es hagelt. – It’s hailing.

Der Hagel vernichtet die Ernte. – The hail is destroying the crop.

die Hitzewelle – heatwave

heiß – hot

Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay

Bei einer Hitzewelle in Deutschland dürfen Schüler manchmal zu Hause bleiben. Sie haben Hitzefrei*. – During a heatwave in Germany, students are sometimes allowed to stay home. They have a day off from school because of the heat.

*This is sadly becoming less common. Such a civilised idea.

die Jahreszeit – season

Die vier Jahreszeiten sind Sommer, Herbst, Winter und Frühling. – The four seasons are summer, autumn, winter and spring.

Im Sommer ist es normalerweise heiß. Im Winter ist es oft kalt. – In summer it is usually hot. In winter it is often cold.

kühl – cool | kalt – cold

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

  • Mir ist kalt. – I’m cold. Literally: To me it is cold.
  • Mir wird kalt. – I’m getting cold.
  • Mir is kühl. – I feel a bit chilly.
  • Ist dir kalt? – Are you (feeling) cold?

die Luftfeuchtigkeit – humidity, dampness

feucht – moist, humid (see also schwül below)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Die feuchte Sommerhitze ist manchmal schwer zu ertragen. – The humid heat of summer is sometimes hard to bear.

Die Luftfeuchtigkeit in den Tropen ist hoch. – The humidity in the tropics is high.

das Matschwetter – weather leading to mud, slush and puddles

matschig – slushy, muddy

Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay

Bei Matschwetter sind die Landstraßen oft schlammig und es gibt viele Pfützen. – In this kind of slushy weather, the country roads are often muddy and there are lots of puddles.

der Nebel – fog

nebelig – foggy

Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

Bei dichtem Nebel müssen Autofahrer sehr vorsichtig sein. – In thick fog, drivers have to be very careful.

der Nieselregen – drizzle

nieseln – to drizzle

Image by Margarita Morales Esparza from Pixabay

  • Es nieselt. – It’s drizzling.
  • Bei diesem Nieselregen kann man nichts planen und keinen Spaß haben. – In this drizzling rain you can’t plan anything or have any fun.

der Regen, der Regenbogen, der Regentropfen – rain, rainbow, raindrop

regnerisch – rainy | regenarm – dry, lacking in rain

Image by chrini from Pixabay

Nach dem Regen entsteht oft ein Regenbogen. – After the rain, a rainbow often forms.

der Schnee – snow

schneien – to snow | schmelzen – to melt

schneebedeckt – covered with snow

Image by Anja from Pixabay

Es schneit. – It’s snowing.

Die Landschaft ist mit Schnee bedeckt. – The countryside / landscape is covered with snow.

schwül – humid, muggy, sultry

Image by Isabela Isa from Pixabay

Heute ist es furchtbar schwül*. Ich bin in Schweiß gebadet! Wollen wir schwimmen gehen? – It’s terribly muggy today. I’m dripping with sweat. Shall we go for a swim?

*To distinguish between schwül – humid and schwul – gay, think of the dots on the umlaut as drops of sweat.

der Sonnenschein – sunshine

scheinen – to shine

Image by Tim Hill from Pixabay

  • Die Sonne scheint. – The sun is shining.
  • Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein sieht die Landschaft schön aus. – In the radiant / glorious sunshine, the landscape looks beautiful.

die Temperatur – temperature

hoch – high ↔ niedrig – low

Image by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pixabay

Bei hohen Temperaturen geht man gern schwimmen. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen sitzt man lieber am Kamin. – When temperatures are high, people like to go swimming. When temperatures are low, people prefer to sit by the fire.

das Unwetter – storm (see also das Gewitter above)

Image by Petra from Pixabay

Das Unwetter hat große Schäden verursacht. – The storm caused a great deal of damage.

der Wind – wind

wehen – to blow

windig – windy windstill – calm

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Heute weht ein starker Wind. – A strong wind is blowing today.

die Wolke – cloud

wolkig – cloudy klar – clear

Image by Manie Van der Hoven from Pixabay

Der Himmel ist mit Wolken bedeckt. – The sky is covered with clouds.

der Zyklon – cyclone

Image by 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay

Zyklone sind gewöhnlicher in den Tropen. – Cyclones are more common in the tropics.

A Shortlist of Adjectives

frostig – frosty 🧊 heiß – hot 🥵 herrlich – heavenly 🏝️
kalt – cold 🥶klar – clear 🔹kühl – cool 🔹
mild – mild 🙂regnerisch – rainy 🌧️schlecht – bad ⬇
schwül* – muggy 💦sommerlich – summery 🌻sonnig – sunny 🌞
strahlend – glorious 🌅stürmisch – stormy ⛈️warm – warm 🌡️

*The easiest way to distinguish schwül – humid, muggy from schwul – gay is to think of the dots on the umlaut as drops of sweat.


Multiple Choice Quiz: Das Wetter🌦️ | Weather

This quiz provides questions based on the vocabulary above. Click on the 💡 on the top left of the quiz screen to read a vocabulary list that you can copy for your notes, if desired.

Fill the Blank Quiz: Das Wetter beschreiben🌦️ | Describing the Weather

Practise using the adjectives for describing the weather. Click on the 💡 on the top left of the quiz screen to read a vocabulary list that you can copy for your notes, if desired.

Kahoots for Those Desperate Moments 😱

Published by Roslyn Green in November 2022

Here are thirty freshly updated Kahoots to accompany teachers and learners through the last exhausting months of this year. These games could be just the thing to get you through a torturous afternoon period in a long and wearing week. Students can also play them in little groups with one student hosting.

I’ve listed the Kahoots roughly in order from the simplest to the most difficult, with links to related pages that also offer individual quizzes for early finishers.

Please note: You may have to click through Kahoot’s marketing prompts initially. But hopefully you will get to a point where you can “continue as guest” or log in if you have an account.

Introduction to German

Beginners answer simple questions about greetings, noun gender, numbers and self-introduction. Suitable after 4-6 lessons of German.

Woher kommt…? / Was ist das?

This Kahoot provides practice with questions about people’s origins and the names of objects.

Jumble Kahoot: Ich lerne Deutsch

Learners respond to each question by placing four words (or sets of words) in the right order. This could be played with a class or by a small group of students.

Mein Steckbrief

This is a simple introductory game for students who are in the first 2-3 months of learning German. Players need to choose the correctly written sentence in each question.

Freunde, Freundinnen, Freundschaft

In this simple Kahoot, useful words for friends, friendship and the characteristics of friends are introduced.

Doktor Tierlieb: Ein Doktor für Tiere

Learners can revise animal names in singular and plural forms, definite and indefinite articles, and adjectives.

Audio text Handout

Mein Schultag

Players experience a simple school day in German, from breakfast before school to feeling tired afterwards.

Note: Both of the above units provide downloadable booklets for students.


This game revises the names of school items; ein/e and kein/e; and the uses of common school objects.

Note: Both of the above units provide downloadable booklets for students.

Pure Conjugation

Learners revisit the conjugation of important verbs, including sein, haben and some common vowel-changers.

End of Year German Quiz

This Kahoot provides revision for the first year or two of German learning.

Hobbys und Freizeit

The questions focus on the conjugation of key verbs for describing hobbies.

German Word Order with weil and denn

This is a jumble puzzle in which students need to place words in the correct order to form or complete a sentence. Each question allows a minute to work out the puzzle.


This quiz offers 20 questions in which simple vocabulary is introduced and then reiterated in the following question. Ideal after a year or two of German.

Allgemeinwissen | General Knowledge in German

This quiz is purely in German. A new word is introduced with the help of a simple sentence and picture, then reinforced in one or two of the following questions. The students therefore learn new German words by applying their existing general knowledge.

This is actually my most popular German Kahoot – it has been played more than any other. Who would have thought?

A Multitasking Verb: werden

Practise using and conjugating werden in two of its roles: as a verb meaning to become, to get, to turn; and as an auxiliary verb to create the future tense.

Cases and Adjective Endings

Players have to distinguish between the nominative and accusative cases and then choose the correct adjective endings in simple sentences.

Comparisons: Mein Hund ist größer als dein Hund!

Learners can practise making comparisons, including with irregular comparatives such as größer, wärmer, älter, jünger, länger, etc.

Persönlichkeit und Aussehen

Players can learn and revise adjectives for describing personality and appearance.

German: The Perfect Tense

This Kahoot focuses purely on the correct conjugation of the auxiliary verb: sein or haben. There are several simple sentences with a variety of activities represented.

Which Past Participle? – The German Perfect Tense

The key task for learners is to choose the correct past participle from four options. There are several simple sentences with a variety of activities represented.

The Long Weekend in the Present and the Perfect Tenses

Each question has a sentence in the present tense, followed by an equivalent sentence in the perfect tense. Players have to choose the correct auxiliary verb and past participle to complete the perfect tense sentence.

In den Schulferien habe ich…

Players choose between sentences that describe school holiday activities. They also revise W-question words, which should then allow them to pose questions about the holidays themselves.

Ich mache eine Party!

Learners revise vocabulary related to giving a party, inviting people to come, preparing for the event, and so on.

Viele Familiengeschichten

This Kahoot introduces key verbs for love, marriage and marriage breakdown, as well as exploring the complexity of family relationships in a very simple fashion.

Manchmal verstehen wir uns gut, manchmal nicht

This Kahoot reinforces vocabulary for describing how people get along — or don’t. Some questions require the use of weil to give reasons for feelings; others revise the reflexive pronouns.

Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs in German – Accusative Reflexive Pronouns

Learners practise the usage of verbs such as sich anziehen, sich verstehen, sich beeilen, etc. This Kahoot provides good practice for the accusative reflexive pronouns and common verbs that require them.

Traumtag oder Horrortag?

In each question a typical teenager experience is described. The students have to decide what kind of day is represented. Later questions present players with 4 situations; they have to choose which belongs to a happy day or an awful one.

Die Umwelt

Players are asked to choose between options that are friendly to the environment and actions that might lead to harm. The vocabulary is summarised in the two pages buttoned below.

Relative Pronouns

This is a relatively challenging quiz for senior or more advanced students. Students need to choose between relative pronouns and distinguish between nominative, accusative and dative cases.

Die Wechselpräpositionen

This is a relatively challenging quiz for senior or more advanced students. I made it originally for students learning German at the Goethe-Institut in München, so it is completely in German and includes some photos from that visit.

Was isst du gern? 🥑

What do you like to eat?

Posted by Roslyn Green in October 2022

Key Verbs

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Simple Sentences:

  • Ich esse gern Schokolade. → I like eating chocolate.
  • Esst ihr gern Suppe? → Do you like eating soup?
  • Wann isst du Frühstück? → When do you eat breakfast?

Key Verb: essen – to eat

Note: The verb essen is a vowel-changing verb. This means that for du and er/sie/es, the stem vowel changes from e to i.

ich esse
du isst
er / sie / es isst
wir essen
ihr esst
sie essen

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Simple Sentences

  • Ich trinke gern Mineralwasser. – I like drinking mineral water.
  • Trinkst du lieber Tee oder Kaffee? – Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee?
  • Er trinkt keine Milch. – He doesn’t drink milk.

Key Verb: trinken – to drink

Note: The verb trinken is completely regular in the present tense.

ich trinke
du trinkst
er / sie / es trinkt
wir trinken
ihr trinkt
sie trinken

Simple Sentences

  • Ich mag gern Süßigkeiten. – I like sweets.
  • Was magst du lieber auf deinem Brot, Käse oder Schinken? – What do you prefer on your bread, cheese or ham?
  • Er mag am liebsten Vollkornbrot. – He likes wholemeal bread best.

Key Verb: mögen – to like

Note: The verb mögen is irregular in both its stem and its endings. So you need to learn the conjugation by heart. Notice in particular that there is no -t ending on the er / sie / es person.

ich mag
du magst
er / sie / es mag
wir mögen
ihr mögt
sie mögen

Questions and Answers

Frühstück | Breakfast

Question / Frage:

Was isst du zum Frühstück? – What do you eat for breakfast?

Answer / Antwort:

Normalerweise esse ich Müsli mit Joghurt und Milch. Ich trinke immer eine Tasse Kaffee. – Usually I eat muesli with yoghurt or milk. I always drink a cup of coffee.

So früh am Morgen esse ich lieber nicht. – I prefer not to eat so early in the morning.

Mittagessen | Lunch

Question / Frage:

Was isst du zu Mittag? / Was isst du zum Mittagessen? – What do you eat for lunch?

Answer / Antwort:

Zu Mittag esse ich ein Brötchen oder ein Sandwich.– I eat a bread roll or a sandwich for lunch.

Abendessen | Dinner

Question / Frage:

Was esst ihr zu Abend? / Was esst ihr zum Abendessen? – What do you eat for dinner? (referring here to more than one person)

Answer / Antwort:

Zum Abendessen essen wir gern Hähnchen, Nudeln oder Pizza. – We like to eat chicken, pasta or pizza for dinner.

Recommended YouTube Videos

Video: Was isst du zum Frühstück? | What do you eat for breakfast?

Through his Deutsch mit Inap channel, Inap teaches you the key words and phrases for talking about breakfast in German.

Video: Was isst du zu Mittag / zu Abend? | What do you eat for lunch / for dinner?

Inap from Deutsch mit Inap provides an overview of lunch and dinner foods, with the help of pictures, spoken phrases and written words.

Quizzes and Activities

A Pin and Label Quiz with Speaking Clues: Deutsches Essen A-Z | German Food A-Z

Actually, there isn’t a food for every letter. It was hard to fit 26 pictures on the screen. All the same, this is an easy way to learn many key nouns for food. The pins are colour-coded: masculine | feminine | neuter. So you will learn the genders as well.

Quiz: Was isst du zum Frühstück? | What do you eat for breakfast?

First, revise your memory for breakfast foods. The letter labels are colour-coded according to noun gender: masculine | feminine | neuter.

Then practise using the correct wording for asking and answering questions about breakfast.

Worksheet: This quiz reworked as a PDF

Quiz: Was isst du zu Mittag? | Was isst du zu Abend?

Learn the names of some essential lunch and dinner foods. The letter labels are colour-coded according to noun gender: masculine | feminine | neuter | plural.

Then focus on the conjugation of the verb mögen and practise using the correct wording for asking and answering questions about lunch and dinner.

Deutsches Essen A-Z 🥔

German Food A-Z

Posted by Roslyn Green in October 2022

Bildlexikon A-Z | Picture Dictionary A-Z

There are only 21 foods pictured below, not 26. All the same, these options should sustain you for some time. There are several combined forms: for example, die Wurst (sausage) is the basis for die Currywurst (curried sausage); and der Apfel (apple cake) leads naturally to der Apfelkuchen (apple cake).

  • der Apfel (die Äpfel)
  • der Apfelkuchen – apple cake
  • das Brot (e)
  • das Brötchen – bread roll

Image by bennopic from Pixabay

  • die Currywurst – curried sausage

Image by hansiline from Pixabay

  • das Ei (er)
  • das Spiegelei – fried egg, sunny side up
  • das Gemüse (generally used as both a singular and plural form)
  • das Hähnchen – chicken

Image by phuong hoang thuy from Pixabay

  • der Honig (singular only) – honey
  • der Joghurt (s) – yoghurt
  • der Kaffee (usually singular)
  • der Cappuccino (s)

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

  • der Käse (plural: die Käsesorten) – cheese
  • Note: This is a rare masculine noun ending in an –e
  • die Marmelade (n) – jam, spreads made with fruit
  • die Nudeln (usually referred to in plural form)
  • der Nudelsalat – noodle salad
  • die Nudelsuppe – noodle soup
  • das Obst (no plural) – fruit
  • der Quark – a type of soft cheese

Image by charlykushu from Pixabay

  • der Reis (no plural) – rice
  • das Rührei oder die Rühreier – scrambled eggs
  • der Schinken (-) – ham

  • die Schokolade (singular form only) – chocolate
  • der Tee (s) – also: die Teesorten – tea, types of tea

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

  • die Wurst (plural: die Würste) – sausage
  • die Currrywurst (curried sausage)

Image by -Rita-👩‍🍳 und 📷 mit ❤ from Pixabay

  • die Zitrone (n) – lemon

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Quizzes and Activities

A Pin and Label Quiz with Speaking Clues: Deutsches Essen A-Z | German Food A-Z

Actually, there isn’t a food for every letter. It was hard to fit 26 pictures on the screen. All the same, this is an easy way to learn many key nouns for food. The pins are colour-coded: masculine | feminine | neuter. So you will learn the genders as well.

Quiz: Ein leckeres Frühstück | A Delicious Breakfast

Match each labelled breakfast food with its German name. Learn the genders as you work.

Gender Check Quiz: Frühstück am Wochenende | Breakfast at the Weekend

Can you classify all the German nouns for breakfast foods into the correct gender groups – and reveal the picture below the puzzle?