Case Quizzes

Self-Correcting Quizzes on the Nominative, Accusative and Dative Cases

Published by Roslyn Green in June 2023

These three quizzes are intended to help learners seal the details of the first three German cases in their memory.

The Nominative Case

Fill the Blanks Quiz: The Nominative Case

Practise using the nominative articles (definite and indefinite) and identifying the words and phrases in a sentence that are in the nominative case.

Related Posters: Nelson Nominativ | Nena Nominativ

The Accusative Case

Fill the Blanks Quiz: The Accusative Case

Practise using the accusative articles (definite and indefinite) and identifying the words and phrases in a sentence that are in the accusative case.

Related Posters: Angela Akkusativ | Alexander Akkusativ

The Dative Case

Fill the Blanks Quiz: The Dative Case

Practise using the dative articles (definite and indefinite) and identifying the words and phrases in a sentence that are in the dative case.

Related Posters: Dietrich Dativ | Daniel Dativ