Alltag 🌤️🌛

Everyday Life 🌄🌆

Published by Roslyn Green in March 2023

The chores, frenetic activity and relaxed moments of everyday life can be summed up with a range of infinitive expressions. Each one can then be turned into sentences in the present, future or perfect tense.

Below is a list of essential expressions for getting through the day in German, followed by three quizzes, including an audio quiz about a typical challenging day.

  • der Alltag – daily life
    • Manchmal möchte ich einfach dem Alltag entfliehen. → Sometimes I just want to escape from everyday reality.
  • das Alltagsleben – day-to-day life
  • der Tagesablauf – daily routine


Infinitive Verbs and Expressions to Describe Everyday Life

  • aufwachen → to wake up (perfect: sein)
  • früh aufstehen → to get up early (perfect: sein)
  • ausschlafen → to sleep in
  • aus dem Bett springen → jump out of bed (perfect: sein)

  • das Bett machen → to make the bed
  • die alten Bettlaken ausziehen → to take off the used sheets
  • das Bett frisch beziehen → to put clean sheets on the bed

  • (einen) Tee / Kaffee kochen oder machen → to make tea
  • Tee mit einem Teebeutel zubereiten → to make tea with a tea bag

  • frühstücken → to have breakfast
  • ausgiebig frühstücken → to have a substantial breakfast
  • etwas zum Frühstück essen → to eat something for breakfast

  • zur Schule gehen → to go to school
  • in den Unterricht gehen → to go to class
  • zur Arbeit gehen → to go to work
  • an einem Projekt arbeiten → to work on a project

  • sich fit halten → to keep oneself fit
  • fit bleiben → stay fit
  • ins Fitnessstudio gehen → to go to the gym

  • einkaufen gehen → to go shopping
  • zum / in den Supermarkt gehen → to go to the supermarket

  • mit dem Hund spazieren gehen → to take the dog for a walk
  • Gassi gehen / mit dem Hund Gassi gehen → (colloquial: to take the dog for a walk)

  • im Garten arbeiten → to work in the garden
  • Samen in ein Gartenbeet pflanzen → to plant seeds in a garden bed
  • den Rasen mähen → to mow the lawn

  • sich mit Freunden treffen → to meet with friends
  • auf einen Kaffee gehen | einen Kaffee trinken gehen → to go out for a coffee

  • ein Zimmer abstauben, aufräumen, staubsaugen – to dust, tidy, vacuum a room
  • den Müll rausbringen, hinunterbringen → to take out the rubbish
  • die Wäsche waschen, aufhängen → do the laundry, hang out the washing

  • Videospiele spielen → to play video games
  • im Internet surfen → to surf on the internet
  • mit dem Handy spielen → play with/on your mobile
  • auf TikTok/YouTube gehen → to go on TikTok/YouTube

  • ins Bett gehen → to go to bed
  • vor dem Schlafengehen lesen → to read before going to sleep

Turning Infinitive Expressions into Four Types of Sentences

Here are four sentence patterns, each based on an expression above. Try the second quiz below to practise each of these constructions in order.

  • Present: Jede Woche bringt er den Müll raus.
  • Future: Morgen werde ich früh aus dem Bett springen, ehrlich!
  • Modal Verb: Möchtet ihr auf einen Kaffee gehen?
  • Perfect: Ich habe die ganze Nacht Videospiele gespielt.

Online Activities

Quiz: Four Sentence Patterns for Talking About Everyday Life

Paper Version of Quiz: Worksheet – Alltag: Four Types of Sentences This worksheet also suggests a brief extension activity.

Audio Quiz: Mein Alltag: Ein typischer Tag

Podcast Episode:

A Fifth German Starter Unit

Hobbys und Freizeit 🖤❤️💛 ⇢ Hobbies and Leisure 🏑🎻📚🎞️

Published by Roslyn Green in March 2023

This unit was originally developed for accelerated students and would therefore serve ideally as extension material. It includes a downloadable booklet for students; a range of online quizzes, including three audio files with texts to work through; and two Kahoots that can be played amongst students or by the whole class, one on Conjugation and the other about Freizeit und Hobbys.


  • gehen – to go (in this example, conjugated)
  • joggen – to jog (in this example, the infinitive goes to end)
    • Ich gehe gern joggen. – I like going jogging.

  • schlafen – to sleep: a vowel-changing verb
    • Sie schläft gern. – She likes sleeping.

  • essen – to eat: a vowel-changing verb
    • Er isst gern Honig. – He likes eating honey.

  • fern/sehen – to watch television
  • This is a separable verb with an added complication: sehen is also a vowel-changer.
    • Sie sehen gern fern. – They like watching TV.
    • Siehst du gern fern? – Do you like watching TV?

Useful Links

Online Activities

Crossword: Hobbys und Freizeit | Hobbies and Leisure

This crossword takes you through all sorts of hobbies, with pictures for each one and a lightbulb to click on for help.

Audio Quiz: Am Wochenende mache ich gern nichts | On the weekend I like to do nothing

This quiz provides practice with identifying and conjugating the vowel-changing verbs – and with talking about a lazy weekend.

Kindly recorded by Carolina Seez

Conjugation Quiz: Am Wochenende mache ich gern nichts

Fill in the missing verbs and practise identifying the vowel-changing verbs.

Quiz: Hobbys und Freizeit | Hobbies and Leisure

Through this quiz you can revise wording for hobbies and leisure activities. There is also a question in which you can practise the conjugation of können (can, to be able to).

Audio Quiz: Kimberleys Hobbys | Kimberley’s Hobbies

One of my most memorable accelerated students, Kimberley, wrote this text after less than one year of learning German. This quiz includes her text, audio and some very simple questions.

Recorded by Carolina Seez

Quiz: gern, lieber, am liebsten

Complete sentences that describe people’s hobbies and preferences by adding gern, lieber, lieber als or am liebsten.


Audio Quiz: Charlottes Familie, Hobbys und Interessen | Charlotte’s Family, Hobbies and Interests

Charlotte grew up in Australia, but she always speaks German with her mother, so she is completely bilingual.

Wir gehen einkaufen 🍅 🍞 🥫

Published by Roslyn Green in February 2023

Going Shopping for Groceries in German

Shoppers need to know the names for food packaging (e.g., bottle, tub, jar) and measures (e.g., kilogram, gram) as well as the vocabulary for the food itself. Here is a summary of packaging and measures with pictures and example sentences. For an A-Z list of foods in German, please visit this page.

Alternatively, jump straight in and work through the quizzes below.

Online Quizzes and Activities

Match the Pin and Label Quiz: Lebensmittel einkaufen | Buying Groceries 🔵 🔴 🟢

  • The pin for each noun is colour-coded: 🔵 for masculine nouns, 🔴 for feminine, and 🟢 for neuter.
  • The sentence on each label refers to a food noun or food container in the accusative case: 🔵 einen | 🔴 eine | 🟢 ein.

Quiz: Essential Wording for Grocery Shopping

This quiz is based on Deutsch mit Inap‘s video on the left. The video is embedded in the quiz and you can watch it as you work through the questions.

Quiz: Practising the Accusative Rules – Grocery Shopping

Revise the accusative rules for the indefinite article (einen, eine, ein) as well as the vocabulary for shopping.

Multiple Choice Quiz: Einkaufen: Fragen und Antworten | Going Shopping: Questions and Answers

In this LearningApps Quiz, there are several snippets of conversation related to real pictures from grocery shopping. Click on the lightbulb 💡 (top left of quiz screen) for a list of all vocabulary. Inap‘s videos below will also help you to consolidate the wording in this quiz.

A Fill-the-Gap Quiz: Ein Dialog beim Einkaufen | A Shopping Dialogue

In this quiz, learners can revise wording for food and consolidate the vocabulary needed for a shopping dialogue in German.

Bildlexikon: Containers and Measures

Noun Key: masculinefeminineneuterplural

der Becher – tub, small carton

Oma möchte einen Becher Joghurt. ⇢ Grandma would like a tub of yoghurt.

das Bündel – bunch

Vergiss nicht, ein Bündel Radieschen zu kaufen. ⇢ Don’t forget to buy a bunch of radishes.

die Dose – can

💬 Möchtest du eine Dose Cola? 💬 Ja, bitte.💬 Would you like a can of coke? 💬 Yes, please.

die Flasche – bottle

Wir müssen eine Flasche Olivenöl kaufen. ⇢ We must buy a bottle of olive oil.

das Glas – glass, jar

💬 Sie wünschen bitte? 💬 Ich nehme ein Glas Erdbeermarmelade. 💬 What would you like? 💬 I’ll take / have a jar of strawberry jam.

das Gramm (-) – gram

💬 Noch etwas? 💬 Ich möchte auch zweihundert Gramm Erdbeeren.💬 Anything else? 💬 I’d also like to get 200 grams of strawberries.

das Kilogramm, das Kilo (-) – kilogram

Ich hätte gern fünf Kilo Kartoffeln, bitte. ⇢ I’d like 5 kilos of potatoes, please.

der Liter – litre

Wir brauchen einen Liter Milch. ⇢ We need a litre of milk.

die Schale – punnet, shallow container

💬 Was darf es sein? 💬 Eine Schale Himbeeren, bitte.💬 What would you like? 💬 A punnet of raspberries, please.

die Scheibe (n) – slice

💬 Sie wünschen? 💬 Ich hätte gern fünf Scheiben Schinken, bitte.💬 What would you like? 💬 I’d like 5 slices of ham, please.

das Stück – piece

💬 Sonst noch etwas? 💬 Ich nehme auch ein Stück Käse, bitte.💬 Anything else? 💬 I’ll take / have a piece of cheese, please.

die Tüte – small paper or plastic bag

💬 Kannst du mir eine Tüte Chips kaufen? 💬 Ja, gerne.💬 Can you buy me a bag of chips? 💬 Sure.

Recommended Videos

The videos embedded below come from the Deutsch mit Inap YouTube channel. Inap is a German teacher in Nepal.

Lebensmittel | Groceries

Lebensmittel einkaufen | Grocery Shopping (see related quiz above)

Dialoge beim Einkaufen | Shopping Dialogues

A Fourth Unit for German Beginners

Published by Roslyn Green in February 2023

In der Schule 🖤❤️💛 ⇢ At School 🏫

This unit introduces vocabulary such as the names of school subjects and school equipment. Students learn how to describe their timetable and express their opinions of school subjects. Along with a free downloadable student booklet, there are several quizzes provided, including a crossword and an ever-changing online bingo board, ideal for class games. The Kahoot is centred around the vocabulary for describing a school day.

After completing this unit, students can also try the quizzes on the School Quizzes page.

A more challenging version of this unit can be found on this page.

Useful Links

Online Activities

Speaking Flippity Flashcards: Schulsachen – School Stuff

Students can use these cards to learn and revise the key vocabulary, then click on “Matching” (top right) to play the dangerously addictive Matching Game.

Flippity Bingo Board with Pictures

This link loads an ever-changing board of the vocabulary pictures in the Flippity vocabulary cards. Students can play a Bingo game with their teacher or revise the vocabulary with a parent or friend by saying “Das ist ein Mäppchen” or “Das ist eine Brille” as they point to each picture.

A Fill the Blank Quiz: At School: General School Vocabulary

Students can apply their knowledge of school vocabulary in a range of sentences about school life, subjects, opinions and stationery.

Multiple Choice Quiz: Attitudes to School Subjects

Multiple Choice Quiz: Ein Schultag | A School Day

The alarm clock rings and the day begins. Experience a school day in German.

Kahoot: Mein Schultag

Players experience a simple school day in German, from breakfast before school to feeling tired afterwards.

A Pin and Label Quiz with Talking Clues

This quiz is embedded below ↓. It is based on the picture on the front page of the unit booklet. The pins are colour coded: masculine, feminine and neuter. Just click on the pins below to begin labelling. Click on the  buttons on each label to hear a description in German.

Crossword: German Words for the Classroom 

This crossword is embedded below ↓. The clues are in German, so this is quite a difficult puzzle, but you can click on the light globe on the top left of the screen to consult the Word List.

A Third Unit for German Beginners

Published by Roslyn Green in February 2023

Meine Familie 🖤❤️💛 ⇢ My Family 🫶🏾

This unit guides learners towards talking about their families and pets. The words for family members are introduced, along with adjectives for describing their characteristics. There is a free booklet for students to download, along with quizzes and activities, including an interactive online crossword and a Kahoot about family and pets.

Useful Links 

Online Activities 

Audio Quiz 1: Guten Tag! Ich heiße Pierre

This quiz is based on the text on page 2 of the unit booklet.

Audio Quiz 2: Leider habe ich keine Geschwister

The audio and quiz are embedded below ↓. This quiz is based on the text on page 8 of the unit booklet.

Herr Smith kindly recorded this audio.

Audio Quiz 3: Ich heiße Lana

The audio and quiz are embedded below ↓. This quiz is based on the text on page 9 of the unit booklet.

This audio was kindly recorded by Linda Manteuffel.

Crossword: Meine Familie

This crossword is embedded below ↓.

Audio Quiz 4: Meine Familie

You can read the text in the quiz below the audio and fill in the missing words.

Note: This text is quite challenging for beginners. It was recorded for this blog by two lovely young teachers from Germany, Diana Bösel and Cheryl Blessing. So you may need to pause the audio between the slides of the quiz.

This text was both written and recorded by Diana Bösel and Cheryl Blessing.